Saturday, June 20, 2020

What's true endures and what's false vanishes..

What's true endures and what's false vanishes, good for you, because we have to take the hook with Mother Gaia and raise our frequencies to match 5D and follow our journey lightly yes, but intelligently..
Welcome what's edifying and evolutionary, which encourages, supports, values you.
Goodbye to the old, the toxic, anti-constructive, heavy, conditional relationships, unbalanced expectations, dense energies, limitations, dogmas, drama, paradigms and much more that only delay, suffocates and sink you..
Everything that is not in the same vibe and that does not make you happy, release and let it go, it's not worthy and was not meant to be, and whoever deserves you, cherish and appreciates this unique opportunity of your precious company, solely for pleasure, will stay within your heart and call it sweet home..

#presence #essence #pleasure  #existence #wise #oversoul #5d #innerwisdom #newearth #balance #soulwisdom #innerknowing #subconscious #gaia #journey  #evolutionary #gratitude #truth #frequencies #SameSoul #vibe #home #realconnection #light #worthy #appreciation #letgo #opportunity #union #release 
#parallelguidance #parallelself
#oldenergy #oldparadigm #imbalance #twinsoul #connectedness #twinflame #evolutionarypartner

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